Our Heartfelt, Hopeful, and Intentional Coronavirus Response


Sidewalk Talk chapter leaders around the world sit out on public sidewalks to change our culture to a connection culture.  We aim to remain heartfelt and intentional so we can create hopeful connections while we all follow the WHO guidelines and local health guidelines during our community recovery from Coronavirus.

Let’s connect now. We would love to hear how you are taking care of yourself in the comments.

In the coming days, start a dialogue on our Instagram and Facebook prompts on all kinds of topics to keep us connecting.

We find some of the best of humanity and ourselves when we face new challenges together.  Try something with me? In your mind’s eye, right now, imagine people cooperating and pitching in to find ways to support each other.  Get some images of people taking food to someone in need, or keeping someone on quarantine company on the phone. See the class of second graders writing letters to elderly patients to “get well”.  Fill out this scene in your mind and let it fill every cell of your body. Breathe in and out with this image several times.

Now be one of these helpers out in the world in whatever way you can.

I am kinda curmudgeonly, most days, but when shit hits the fan my heart just gets plugged into some massive source of hope and love so I am kind of floatin’ around like the neon love balloon again.  Maybe we can be neon love balloons for each other right now. 

Here is a fun TedX Talk on the direct impact our mindset has on our health.  It has loads of very geeky science stuff.

May we be well.
May we be hopeful.
May we be intentional with our mindsets.
​May we be helpers.

Sidewalk Talk Official Policy on Coronavirus

  1. We ask all feelings and all people are honored with love and care.

  2. We ask everyone follow the guidelines of the local health authorities and The World Health Organization and if a quarantine has been mandated in your area you honor that and let us know so we can post a cancellation on the events page. If a quarantine is not mandated you may hold your events following the guidelines set by WHO.

  3. We ask any listeners who feel ill to remain home.

  4. We support you to get creative and find new and novel ways to create connection in your communities (letter writing, email writing, video chatting, grocery delivery). 

  5. We encourage you to listen to yourself and do what feels right to you.


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